
wanonuno 法被COAT<紺×透>

¥45,000 税込



法被。はっぴ。HAPPI。数多のお祭りが開催される台東区合羽橋で生まれ育った主。思春期とコロナ期を除き、5月を皮切りに始まる祭りで法被に腕を通す度に背筋が伸びるピリリとした緊張感がたまらなく好きです。仲間たちと揃いの法被で連帯感をグッと上げ、宮出し宮入り(神輿が神社から出る時と入る時)で神輿を担ぐときのアドレナリンが放出されるあの感じは、なんとも言えない高揚感と幸福感に満ちています。そして、その後の開放的でポジティブな乾杯の嵐。全部ひっくるめた法被にまつわる緩急を愛しています。そこで、愛すべき法被をもっと身近にもっと着やすい仕様にできないかなぁ、と職人さんたちに相談しながら作ってみたのがこちらのHAPPI COATです。



祭りで神輿を担ぐときや、職人が仕事着として着たり、もとは、江戸時代の火消し=消防団にはじまるユニフォーム/制服としての役割を持つ法被。そんな日本の伝統的な法被をHAPPI COATとして、普段着にも着物にも浴衣にも水着にも羽織れるアイテムとしてご紹介します。袖を通すだけで背筋がピンと伸びるような程よい緊張感と粋な存在感をぜひ体感できますよう、祈っております。


◾️色 濃紺
◾️生地 セオα®縦絽(ポリエステル100%)
◾️サイズ フリーサイズ。袖丈650×着丈1100㎜

I was born and raised in Kappabashi, Taito-ku, where numerous Matsuri-festivals are held. With the exception of puberty and the Corona period, I love the tense feeling I get every time I put my arm through the Happi at a festival starting in May. The sense of solidarity with my friends in our matching Happi coats and the adrenaline rush of carrying the Mikoshi as it exits and enters the shrine is indescribable, filled with a sense of elation and happiness. And the storm of open and positive toasts that follows. I love the slow and steady pace associated with the Happi coat that pulls it all together. So, I wondered if it would be possible to make the beloved Happi coat more accessible and easier to wear, so I consulted with craftspeople and created this HAPPI COAT.

Happi coats are usually made of cotton, but we created a variant version by using wanonuno's original TheoAlpha® fabric, which is characterized by its highly sensitive texture with soft fullness, tension, and draping properties. The permeability of vertical “ro” silk gauze, which has a stripe-like appearance, has been used since ancient times for summer kimonos and happi coats. This long-length happi coat has pockets on both sides for ease of use, and hooks on the front so that it can be closed without the need for an obi (sash). We also added bias tape to the cuffs in the same color as the fabric, which is not normally found on Happi coats, to add an accent.

It can be worn for shopping in the neighborhood, at the beach or poolside, or as an accent for layered styles, exploring the possibilities of coordination. We have created this item with the hope that just by putting it on, we can create a “Japanese” taste, without following the right path.

Happi coats are worn when carrying a portable shrine at festivals, by craftsmen as work clothes, and as a uniform that was originally worn by firemen in the Edo period (1603-1868). We introduce the HAPPI COAT, a traditional Japanese happi coat that can be worn with everyday clothes, kimonos, yukata, and swimsuits. We hope you will experience the moderate tension and chic presence that will make your spine stand up straight just by putting on the sleeves.

Incidentally, the designs for the back crest and square characters were sampled by wanonuno original, referring to the archive material “Edo Boast” that belonged to my grandfather.

<Product Description>
◾️ color dark blue
◾️ Fabric Theo Alpha® Vertical rosacea (100% polyester)
◾️ Size Free size. Sleeve length 650 mm x Dress length 1100 mm
Please hand-wash the product.
Please note that it may take about one month to produce the product. Please be aware of this before making your purchase.

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¥45,000 税込
