
wanonuno 風呂敷 <オレンジ×緑>

¥9,000 税込



祖母や母が使っていた風呂敷。旗屋を営んでいた両親の影響か、比較的風呂敷は身近に置いてあるものでした。手を伸ばせばすぐに手に入る存在でしたが、祭りのタイミングを除いては全身全霊で「洋モノ」に振り切り、追いかけあぐねていた。そして2023年春、弊ブランドを始めるにあたり「和」の可能性に気づき始めます。見直し始めた風呂敷の存在。「え? すごく使えるよ?」「待って、なかなかイケてると思うんだけど?」なんて、日常に取り入れてみる挑戦を重ねるごとに"灯台下暗し的"な発見を重ねるに至るのです。


風呂敷とは、ものを包み運ぶために日本で1300年以上前から使われてきた四角い布で、長い歴史と利便性を兼ね備えたシンプルで美しいもの。贈り物や旅行時の服をはじめ、ランチボックスやワインボトル、本などどんな形のものでも包むことができ、再利用できるのでエコにも優しい。思い入れのある風呂敷を額縁に入れて部屋に飾ればインテリアとしても楽しむことができる。和ーーーー、そんなにいろいろできるのね? そうよね、そうだよね、そうだ、オリジナルを作ってみよう、と。そんな流れで、主が好きなエスニックをも彷彿とするデザインを取り入れた柄×布の違う3種の風呂敷を製作しました。風呂敷のデザインは、祖父が持っていたアーカイブ資料『江戸自慢』を参考に、wanonunoオリジナル用にサンプリング。カラフルなデザインの実現をすべくあえて染めではなくプリントを。染めへのオマージュとして一枚一枚職人さんに手を動かしてもらって実現する両面昇華捺染を施した一枚です。包むのに使い勝手のよい70cmでお届けします。


◾️色 オレンジ×緑
◾️生地 ブッチャー
◾️サイズ フリーサイズ。70×70cm
◾️プリント 両面

Furoshiki used by my grandmother and mother. Perhaps because of the influence of my parents, who owned a flag shop, furoshiki were relatively close at hand. They were readily available to us if we reached for them, but with the exception of the timing of festivals, we were unable to pursue them, swinging to “Western” goods with all our might. Then, in the spring of 2023, we began to realize the potential of “Japanese-wa” when we started our brand. The existence of furoshiki began to be reexamined. I said, “What? It's very useful, isn't it? Wait, I think it's pretty cool. As I tried to incorporate furoshiki into my daily life, I made a series of discoveries.

For a start, I attended a furoshiki class and learned how to tie a simple knot. Then, I tried wrapping a furoshiki bag or two bottles of wine in it with ease. I also tried wrapping it around my head and using it as a bandana, or around my neck like a scarf. I began to see the borderless possibilities.

Furoshiki is a square cloth used in Japan for more than 1,300 years to wrap and carry things, a simple and beautiful object with a long history and convenience. It can be used to wrap gifts, clothes for travel, lunch boxes, wine bottles, books, and any other shape or form, and is eco-friendly because it can be reused. Furoshiki can be framed and displayed in a room as an interior decoration. Woooo, you can do so many things with it, can't you? Yes, yes, yes, yes, let's make our own original. In this vein, we produced three types of furoshiki with different patterns and fabrics, incorporating designs that are also reminiscent of ethnic designs, which I like to use. The design of the furoshiki was sampled for the wanonuno original, referring to the archive material “Edo Pride” that belonged to my grandfather. To achieve a colorful design, we dared to use printing instead of dyeing. As a tribute to dyeing, we had a craftsman work on each piece to create a double-sided print. It is delivered in a 70 cm length, which is easy to use for wrapping.

The butcher's cloth used in orange and green is a cotton fabric in which two or three warp and weft yarns are pulled together in a plain weave and woven into a nanako weave, which is irregularly woven into the weave. The combination of the plain weave and the nanako weave is characterized by its hemp-like feel and irregularity.

<Product Description>
◾️ Color Orange×Green
◾️ fabric Butcher
◾️ Size Free size. 70 x 70 cm
◾️ Print Double-side
Please hand-wash the product.

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¥9,000 税込
